A Warning on Giving During the Holiday Seasons

A critical part of the mission statement of Light of Messiah Ministries is “Taking Jesus back to the Jewish people and helping others do the same.” In light of that vision and passion to help Jewish people understand the real Jesus, we believe it is also our obligation to occasionally warn our prayer partners and supporters of other organizations that come in direct opposition to our mission.

During the holiday seasons (Passover/Easter and Hanukkah/Christmas), many well-funded organizations hit the airwaves with passionate appeals for financial support. One of which is the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ). I was recently watching TV when an impassioned and heart-wrenching infomercial aired. Sometimes these infomercials are 30 minutes to an hour long. They are massively expensive to produce and air. The IFCJ also purchases mailing lists of evangelical Christians for heavy mail solicitation especially during the holidays.

The infomercials depict suffering Holocaust survivors living in the harshest of environments. Immigrants to Israel from Russia and the Ukraine. They are destitute, elderly, suffering, in need of food, clothing, and the minimal essentials of life. Due to the tragic war in the Ukraine, the suffering is intensified. The holidays are nearing. The need is greater. The IFCJ infomercial asks for Christians to support their work for the sake of God, the Scriptures, and the Prophets.

Dear friends, humanitarian aid is vital in Israel and the Ukraine. We are not opposed to giving humanitarian aid. We do it ourselves. Showing compassion, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and taking care of the orphan are commanded by Jesus. The scriptures are clear. We are to help to those in need, and the need is greater now than ever. In this, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is doing a good thing.

However, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is NOT a Christian organization. It was founded by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein who tragically passed away a few years ago, and is now led by his daughter, Yael. They are a Jewish organization doing humanitarian work in Israel.

They are NOT an organization that would agree with our stated mission of “Taking Jesus back to the Jewish people and helping others do the same.” In that sense they are in opposition to the message of the gospel and the preaching of the gospel to the Jewish people. In fact, some of the well-meaning funds sent by Christians to the IFCJ can be used to support/fund organizations in Israel trying to keep Jesus away from the Jewish people.

I give you this warning and tell you this truth because we believe that the greatest gift we can give to the Jewish people, and bring to Israel, is the message of the Gospel: the saving work of Jesus who celebrated Passover, went to the cross, suffered for our sin, died, was buried, and then rose from the grave. We work with organizations on the ground in Israel who not only help the poor and the suffering, but bring the true “Bread of Life” and “Living Water” to those in need.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews stands in direct opposition to the Gospel of Jesus and his saving work. Any humanitarian organization can help with the needs of Jews around the world. There are many doing so. More importantly, there are Messianic organizations, congregations, and outreaches in Israel and around the world doing humanitarian work AND sharing the message of Jesus.

If you support the IFCJ and decide to continue, that is between you and the Lord. If you would like information about other organizations and opportunities to help with relief for the suffering in Israel, who are also sharing the message of Jesus with those in need, we can help you find the right fit.

We are here to help, inform, and bring what we believe is the most important information to those who care about our ministry to the Jewish community. I hope you read this article in the spirit in which it was written. Please pass this information on to anyone in your life who may love Israel and the Jewish people and who may be supporting the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews thinking they are supporting a Christian organization.

For the sake of our resurrected Savior and his gospel,

Murray Tilles

Executive Director, Light of Messiah Ministries


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