Have you ever wondered what Jewish people think about Jesus? About Heaven and Hell? About Atonement? About the Bible? About...Me?
Jewish people are all around. They are your friends, neighbors, business associates, doctors, and lawyers. Even if you don't know a Jewish person, Jewish people are in the Bible! AND, the Jewish people have a special place in God's heart and plan.
In the "Building Bridges" seminar we will help you to better understand the Jewish people. According to scripture, the Gospel is “to the Jew first and also to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16). The church needs to be more aware of how to effectively communicate the Gospel to the Jewish people.
Topics covered include: the basics of the Jewish community (what Jewish people believe about God, the Bible, the Messiah, the afterlife, atonement, etc.), understanding Jewish sensitivities, how to begin a witness, important Messianic prophecies, and leading a Jewish person to a decision.
This three to four hour seminar (which can be shortened) will equip believers to be more effective in sharing their faith with their Jewish friends (and more effective in witnessing to anyone!)