Taking the message of Jesus
back to the Jewish people.
Teaching the church our
Jewish heritage and foundation.
Fighting antisemitism through
outreach and education.
Building bridges of love and understanding.
Unfortunately, most Jewish people do not understand Jesus, and most Christians are not aware that our Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), was a Jewish rabbi!
We want to help Jewish people see that Jesus is our promised Messiah who came in fulfillment of the ancient Jewish prophecies. It is actually quite a Jewish thing to believe in him. We want to help our brothers and sisters in Messiah (the Church) understand the Jewish roots of our faith. We spend our time in churches teaching the Word of God, His heart for Israel and the Jewish people, connections between the Old and New Testaments, and explaining the Jewish holidays. Knowing more about Jesus’ Jewishness helps us know him better!
By helping Christians understand the Jewish roots of our faith, we believe that we are at the same time helping them to grow in the love of Messiah, fighting antisemitism, and equipping them to communicate him to their Jewish friends in a sensitive, loving, and effective way.
We partner with local churches in service projects and events designed to help Christians connect to the Jewish community and extend gestures of friendship to their Jewish neighbors and associates in culturally relevant ways. One part of this is serving the Jewish community through service projects, giving, and helping the needy. We want to be there for them, serving as Yeshua, Jesus would.
Do you have questions about Israel or the Jewish people?
Our staff would love to talk with you!