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We’re passionate about connecting Christians with their Jewish roots.
It all began when God called Abraham.
From then on, it’s been a journey through history, through Isaac, Jacob to the nation of Israel, the Chosen people, following the voice of God and awakening the rest of the nations to the Kingdom. Messiah Jesus came so that we might all get to be a part of the plan, so don’t you want to find out the thousands of years of history you’ve been grafted into?
We love to teach, and we love to provoke your thoughts. Whether you’re interested in particular topics and how they might be related within Jewish context, or you’re curious about current affairs in Israel today, we’ll share our thoughts and we’d love to hear yours.
Newsletter Archives.
If you’re looking for an excellent source of information about a wide range of topics, check out our old newsletters. Weekly, Murray and Anna Beth sit down to curate the most informative and relevant topics within Jewish ministry, life and following Jesus. Our archives hold a wealth of information, so be sure to check it out!
Hear stories from real people who have been impacted by the power of the Gospel. Whether from a Jewish background, or a Gentile believer who has discovered their roots in the Jewish traditions, we have stories of what God is doing in and through us.
Video Teachings.
Our founder, Murray Tilles, has had the privilege of speaking in churches all over the country about many topics, including the importance of Israel for modern Christians, the power of understanding Jewish traditions and current affairs in the Middle-East and why they matter. We have a collection of his online sermons and other unaffiliated video content for you to learn from.