This blurb can be used in the newspaper or your church bulletin (Please substitute the name of the representative who will be attending your church.)

What do the Jewish Passover and Jesus’ Last Supper have in common? ___________________, of Light of Messiah Ministries in Atlanta, will answer that question as they present “Jesus in the Passover” at ______________[church, address, date, time]. The “Jesus in the Passover” service will bring to life the Jewish roots of faith in Jesus as well as the celebration of Communion. __________________, with Light of Messiah Ministries in Atlanta, will have a Passover table set up with all of the traditional elements involved in the Passover meal. During the service you will see how Jewish people celebrate Passover today, how the symbolic foods of Passover picture God’s redemption, and how Jesus is beautifully foreshadowed in the Passover celebration and story. This is a service for anyone. “Jesus in the Passover” will bring new insights into the Jewishness of Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Some quotes you may use for publicity :

“Many people may wonder what Jesus has to do with the Passover. But, those who are Jewish and know the Messiah know that the story of Passover points to the one who is the redeemer of our people. His name is Yeshua. That’s the Jewish way to say Jesus.”

“Believing in Jesus is a very Jewish thing. In fact it is the most Jewish thing that anyone can do. He is the Jewish Messiah! To see Him in the Passover celebration is only natural. His Last Supper was a Passover meal and the celebration points not only to the deliverance of our people from slavery and bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt, but to the redemption that Jesus came to bring to all people.”

“Our communion celebration has a very Jewish background. That background goes back to the Passover meal that Jesus celebrated the night before His crucifixion.”